BLOG : stanleyvasu.blogspot.com
Dr.Stanley Vasu was born on 21st September 1971 as the eldest son of Pastor Prabhudoss Vasu and Mrs.Anusya Ruth Vasu . He is a third generation Pentecostal Pastor. His grandfather Pastor John Vasu was the Superintending Pastor of the Madras Pentecostal Assembly Mission as well as the President of the All India Pentecostal Fellowship and a member of the Pentecostal World Conference Committee. His father Pastor Prabhudoss Vasu also served as the Superintending Pastor of the Madras Pentecostal Assembly Mission as well as the Secretary to the Pentecostal Fellowship of India. Thus Dr.Stanley Vasu has a rich spiritual heritage.
Dr.Stanley Vasu completed his entire high school education at the Christ Church Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School . He won the silver medal in the high school examination with a centum in Mathematics. He also won the Scripture prize which was awarded by the Inter-Continental Bible Society whose patron is Her Majesty, the Queen of England. During his school days he took part in the All India Christian Youth Festival held in Calcutta and won the first prize in the preaching competition.
He completed his Bachelors and Masters Degree in Mathematics from the Madras Christian College ,Tambaram obtaining first class in both the degrees. While studying at the Madras Christian college he won the Elisabeth Miller Scripture prize . He also obtained the Religious Education Certificate awarded by the Christian Educational Council of Tamilnadu obtaining distinction in the New Testament.
He has been awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Religion in 2002 and the Degree of Doctor of Divinity in 2007 by the Cornerstone University and Theological Seminary of Jerusalem ,Israel.In 1999 He was nominated as the ' Man of the Year ' by the American Biographical Institute based in North Carolina, U.S.A. He was awarded the 'Young Ministerial Acheiver Award' at the World Tamil Pastors Conference held in Singapore in July 2003.
In 1995 at the age of 23 Dr.Stanley Vasu became the President of the Madras Pentecostal Assembly Mission after the demise of his father Pastor Prabhudoss Vasu overseeing churches , orphan homes , 2 schools , , a free bible correspondence course in English and Tamil with over 100,000 registered students as well as serving as the Pastor of the Headquarters church .
Dr.Stanley Vasu preaches regularly in Headquarters church of the MPA Mission . He has also spoken in youth rallies , pastors conferences, spiritual growth seminars etc in different parts of India. Dr.Stanley Vasu has a great sense of humour which is evident in his sermons as well as in his personal conversations.
He has delivered lectures on leadership in some of the most prestigious educational institutions in India such as the Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T) Madras, Loyola College ,Madras etc.
Dr.Stanley Vasu 's magazine in Tamil called 'Spiritual Truths' is sent to more than 12 thousand Pastors and Christian Leaders.He has published several books and magazines on spiritual truths.His sermons were published regularly in the daily Tamil Newspaper 'Thinathoothu'.
He has also been appointed the Treasurer of the Tamil Bible Commentary Committee which is preparing a commentary on the Tamil Bible involving some of the best Tamil Bible Scholars from around the world . He is also one of the contributors to the Commentary and is writing a commentary on the book of Philippians. He also writes poetry as the Lord leads him which has been published in several magazines.
Dr.Stanley Vasu's sermons have been viewed more than 6 million ( 60 Lakhs ) times on sermoncentral.com. All the sermons of Dr.Stanley Vasu are available on the following link https://www.sermoncentral.com/contributors/dr-stanley-vasu-sermons-6233 .His Weekly Email Bible Studies were sent around the world .These articles are used in sermons , publications , radio programs ,cell groups etc in different parts of the world.
Dr.Stanley Vasu has spoken weekly on the half-hour television program 'SPIRITUAL TRUTHS' on BLESSING TV during the period 2006-2007 which has a potential audience of over 30 million people . He had also produced and preached in the daily television program 'Dhyana Neram' on Raj Digital Plus television during the period January 2000 to June 2001.
Dr.Stanley Vasu has preached in the weekly radio program for youth called 'Valibur Muzhakam' produced by Feba radio as well the Sunday worship program called 'Aradhanai Velai'.
Dr.Stanley Vasu plays the keyboard and has sung in Christian tapes and also leads worship in church.
Dr.Stanley Vasu has also served in various interdenominational committees . He has served as the Secretary to the National Association of Pentecostal Theological Institutions (NAPTI) .He is also a member of the committee of the Chennai Full Gospel Ministers Fellowship and a member of the Apostolic Council of the Synod of Pentecostal churches of Tamilnadu
He has served as the Treasurer of the Every Tongue and Tribe conference which was held in January 2006 which brought together for the first time in the history of India , beleivers from every tribe and language in India who have been reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Dr.Stanley Vasu has a developed intimate and meaningful relationships with most of the Christian Leaders in India including Bishops , Evangelists, Pastors, Missionary Leaders and Organisational Leaders. He has organised Christian Leaders Prayer Breakfasts where some of the most influential Christian Leaders have come to together for Prayer and Fellowship.
Dr.Stanley Vasu has had the privilege to meet and enjoy fellowship with several international Christian leaders such as Dr.T.L.Osborn , Dr. Morris Cerullo ,Dr.Reinhard Bonnke, Dr.Peter Youngren , Dr. Franklin Graham son of Dr.Billy Graham ,Dr.Pat Robertson , Dr.Richard Shakarian, Bishop Samuel Doctorian , Dr.Dean Hirsh ,the International President of World Vision , Dr. Loren Cunningham ,founder of Youth with a Mission , Dr.Luis Bush, Dr.Peter Wagner , Dr.Ed Silvoso, Dr.Kong Hee and many others. He has ministered internationally so far in America ,Britain, France, Norway ,Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Oman,Dubai , Sharjah, Indonesia, Israel , Palestine, Jordan and Sri Lanka.
Dr.Stanley Vasu has a threefold vision for his life.
1)To reach the youth of this generation for Jesus Christ , raising them up as a force for Jesus developing them to their fullest potential in serving Jesus.
2) To impact the intellectuals and the influential people of society in a creative and credible way with the power and the reality of Jesus Christ which in turn could impact the people under their influence.
3) To strive for the unity of the Body of Christ among the various denominations and ministries and bring the Christian Leaders into a loving relationship with each other to work together for the rapid expansion of the Kingdom of God
Dr.Stanley Vasu lives in Madras with his mother Mrs.Anusuya Prabhudoss Vasu and his brother Ernest who is married to Ramya Beulah and they have two daughters, Darlene Kirstyn and her sister Jolene Kirstyn. Ernest has completed his Masters degree in Business Adminstration (MBA) is serving the Lord in India Every Home Crusade . His sister Pamela is married to Rev.Israel Jebaraj and they have two children Joanna and Joshua .Dr.Stanley Vasu celebrated his 52nd Birthday on September 21 st 2023. Kindly uphold him in your prayers.
Visit Blog: http://38thbirthdayofpastorstanleyvasu.blogspot.com
Contact :
Pastor Stanley Vasu
P.O.Box 662
Telephone : 91-44-2835-2409